Check your bandwidth and space
Bitcoin Core requires a one-time download of about 210GB of data plus a further 5-10GB per month. By default, you will need to store all of that data, but if you enable pruning, you can store as little as 6GB total without sacrificing any security. For more information about setting up Bitcoin Core, please read the full node guide.
Verify your download
Download verification is optional but highly recommended. Click one of the lines below to view verification instructions for that platform.
Windows verification instructions
MacOS verification instructions
Linux verification instructions
Snap package verification instructions
Additional verification with reproducible builds
Experienced users who don’t mind performing additional steps can take advantage of Bitcoin Core’s reproducible builds and the signed checksums generated by contributors who perform those builds.
- Reproducible builds allow anyone with a copy of Bitcoin Core’s MIT-licensed source code to build identical binaries to those distributed on this website (meaning the binaries will have the same cryptographic checksums as those provided by this website).
- Verified reproduction is the result of multiple Bitcoin Core contributors each independently reproducing identical binaries as described above. These contributors cryptographically sign and publish the checksums of the binaries they generate.
Verifying that several contributors you trust all signed the same checksums distributed in the release checksums file will provide you with additional assurances over the preceding basic verification instructions. Alternatively, reproducing a binary for yourself will provide you with the highest level of assurance currently available. For more information, visit the project’s repository of trusted build process signatures.
Bitcoin Core is a community-driven free software project, released under the open source MIT license.